Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Racecourse Wedding for Michelle & Jamie

First past the post for me this June, (you've got to allow me one pun!) was the wedding of Michelle and Jamie which took place place at my local church in Kinross.  A beautiful ceremony was followed by photos in the church grounds before heading up the motorway to Perth Racecourse for the reception. This was my first wedding at Perth Racecourse and it was an absolute delight because there is so much you can do with the location...sadly Michelle and Jamie had a wedding day to get on with, otherwise I would have dragged them from one end to the other for photographs. As it is, we took photos in the lush surroundings down by the river, on the racecourse itself (no oncoming horses, whew!!) and in the stands, still making the 4.30 p.m. deadline for the sit down! The weather was perfect (seems churlish to moan about bright sunlight) and the balmy evening was perfect to catch up a few extra photos before the dancing kicked off....simply a wonderful day.


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